While we browse the internet we sometimes forget that we are also downloading a file or a number of files and we exit Firefox. By default we see no warning that we are currently downloading something. Again, by default upon re-opening Firefox it will resume any downloading operations.That would be great, but sadly it’s not always helpful, since a lot of hosts do not allow to pause and continue downloads (rapidshare, megaupload, fileshare, etc.).
March 7th, 2012
How to see a warning upon closing Firefox while downloading a file
No Comments, How-to, by admin.October 11th, 2011
How to quickly find all connections from and to your computer via netstat on any OS
No Comments, How-to, by admin.Have you ever wondered how to or just had to check all of the connections coming to your computer, going out from it or just running locally?
This guide will explain to you how to do this on almost all OS (Operating Systems). We will be using the famous command NETSTAT (stands for NETwork STATistics).
This technique works both on WindowsOS (XP, vista, 7, etc.), Linux (Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Backtrack, etc.) and MacOS . I’ll explain first how to do it on Windows, then on some Linux based distributions such as Ubuntu and OpenSuse and lastly on MacOS.