Archive for the ‘How-to’ Category
What is a Google Dork?
Google Dorks are nothing but simple search operators that are used to refine our search.
Okay so let’s pretend you’re wanting to search the world wide web for ebooks on the topic of ‘cooking’, most people would search google for “Cooking eBooks” or “eBooks on cooking”, etc. This usually results in clicking link after link to get to a valid download link. Click here to read the entire post.... (826 words, 1 image, estimated 3:18 mins reading time)
Tags: dork, find, google, search
Sometimes when you are developing something and you don’t want anyone other than you to see it you need to restrict the access to it. You could just password protect it, which usually takes a few minutes to set up, but there is an alternative – you can just use the DENY setting in the htaccess files.
If you need to deny all access but permit only a certain IPs to the page: Click here to read the entire post.... (352 words, estimated 1:24 mins reading time)
Tags: access, apache 2, block, configuration, deny, IP, restrict, stop, web master
If you are getting the error message
Failed to download a required installation file ( Please check your internet connection and try again.
then simply rename your installation file WoW-5.0.0-Beta-enGB-Installer to World of Warcraft Beta Setup
This works for enus, ruru, engb, dede, frfr, itit, and so on.
Have fun playing the new World of Warcraft : Mist of Pandaria .
Yes, this is the leaked Beta client 😛 No, I’m not sharing any info (yet). Hint: Russians! Click here to read the entire post.... (84 words, 3 images, estimated 20 secs reading time)
Tags: 5.0.0, beta, download, download error, engb, enus, explanation, fixing, mist of pandaria beta, mop, wow
A guide on how to fix the annoying grey background and center image in Firefox 11
When you need to see an image better you right click and choose View image. Since 2007 we were seeing the image in the top left corner on a white background. Now ever since Firefox 11 that got changed to a centered image with grey layout. Personally I hate that this. Why should I see everything with a grey background (#333 to be exact, it may be seen as black on a non-well calibrated monitor)? Instead they should have placed an option at the Firefox options.
Click here to read the entire post.... (110 words, 2 images, estimated 26 secs reading time)
Tags: black background, centered image, firefox 11, fixed, grey background, problem, top left
While we browse the internet we sometimes forget that we are also downloading a file or a number of files and we exit Firefox. By default we see no warning that we are currently downloading something. Again, by default upon re-opening Firefox it will resume any downloading operations.That would be great, but sadly it’s not always helpful, since a lot of hosts do not allow to pause and continue downloads (rapidshare, megaupload, fileshare, etc.). Click here to read the entire post.... (226 words, 2 images, estimated 54 secs reading time)
Tags: close, exit, firefox quit, How-to, Linux, macos, popup, warning, Windows
Have you had trouble seeing Cyrillic letters/fonts on Windows 7 (x64 Ultimate in our case)?
Have you seen weird symbols instead of Cyrillic letters in some if not all programs?
The way to fix this is by telling your computer how to handle letters which are not unicode, meaning, to tell the computer that the font which it is showing is in Cyrillic. Click here to read the entire post.... (241 words, 3 images, estimated 58 secs reading time)
Tags: cyrillic, fix, how to fix cyrillic on windows 7, strange letters, symbols, как, кириллицы
Google, stop interrupting me while I’m typing! You are like a girlfriend, lol.
How to stop Google from automatically refreshing your page while you are writing your search query?
This feature of Google is rather annoying in my opinion, but thank God there is a way to stop this! I’m talking about the Google’s InstantSearch – it changes the search results window on each keystroke. Click here to read the entire post.... (248 words, 1 image, estimated 1:0 mins reading time)
Tags: custom, edit, optimize, privacy, settings
A how-to installation in pictures of Windows 7 x64 bit
I’ll be doing this inside of a virtualbox, but its the exact same thing if its on a real computer.
Step1: load your Windows7 DVD in to your computer and (re)start your machine. If the BIOS settings are set correctly it should boot your DVD instead of your hard disk. If that goes well the installation will begin. For a brief moment you will see a message saying ‘Loading files’ and then the windows7 logo with ‘Loading’. Click here to read the entire post.... (383 words, 5 images, estimated 1:32 mins reading time)
Tags: 32, 64, bit, fresh, how to install, install, microsoft, new, update, Windows, Windows 7, x32, x64
Have you ever wondered how to or just had to check all of the connections coming to your computer, going out from it or just running locally?
This guide will explain to you how to do this on almost all OS (Operating Systems). We will be using the famous command NETSTAT (stands for NETwork STATistics).
This technique works both on WindowsOS (XP, vista, 7, etc.), Linux (Ubuntu, OpenSuse, Backtrack, etc.) and MacOS . I’ll explain first how to do it on Windows, then on some Linux based distributions such as Ubuntu and OpenSuse and lastly on MacOS. Click here to read the entire post.... (881 words, 5 images, estimated 3:31 mins reading time)
Tags: DOS, ipv4, ipv6, Linux, macos, netstat, network, opensuse, shell, terminal, Ubuntu, Windows 7
Have you ever seen an image (like a photo) but you just can’t figure out where you have seen it or what that actually is?
Well worry no more!
Since a while Google offers a better and a more detailed image search. All it takes is for you to drag and drop an image either from a website (like this one) or a file from your computer on to the Goolge Images screen.
Here’s how to do it: Click here to read the entire post.... (284 words, 2 images, estimated 1:08 mins reading time)
Tags: easy, find, Google Images, How-to, images, mona lisa, search, гугъл