BlooPlace – IT Blog

Since WysiBB lacks a proper documentation (or at least I couldn’t find one), I present you a complete (as of the post’s date) list of all the BBcode default buttons.
If you want to have only a specific set of BBcode buttons, you need to declare it as seen below. The base definition can be seen in the jquery.wysibb.js file at the top of it.

These are (to my knowledge) all Source Sans Pro fonts as well as their numeric font-weight values


200 – Extra light
300 – Light
400 –  Normal
600 – Semibold
700 – Bold
900 – Black

Download: SourceSansPro – woff and ttf free download

What is a Google Dork?

Google Dorks are nothing but simple search operators that are used to refine our search.

Okay so let’s pretend you’re wanting to search the world wide web for ebooks on the topic of ‘cooking’, most people would search google for “Cooking eBooks” or “eBooks on cooking”, etc. This usually results in clicking link after link to get to a valid download link.

November 7th, 2012

Less Common HTTP/1.1 Status Codes

No Comments, Stuff, by admin.
  • HTTP 201: Extra successful!
  • HTTP 220 (The Clooney): Same as 200 with a little something in there for your trouble.
  • HTTP 235: Successful, but user is probably a lesbian.
  • HTTP 309: This ain’t your kind of website, bro. Try the blog around the corner, or bring a pretty lady next time.
  • HTTP 403: ERROR Too much Palatino.
  • HTTP 420: Uhh…. Like- wait. What did you ask for?
  • HTTP 450: It’s past your bedtime. go to sleep.

Sometimes when you are developing something and you don’t want anyone other than you to see it you need to restrict the access to it. You could just password protect it, which usually takes a few minutes to set up, but there is an alternative – you can just use the DENY setting in the htaccess files.

If you need to deny all access but permit only a certain IPs to the page: